Read Online Programming in Objectivec Updated for IOS 5 and Automatic Reference Counting Arc Developer Library Stephen G Kochan Books

This is the 4th edition of the world's bestselling book on Objective-C programming, fully updated to cover Xcode 4.2 and Automatic Reference Counting (ARC).  Programming in Objective-C is a concise, carefully written tutorial on the basics of Objective-C and object-oriented programming for Apple's iOS and Mac platforms. The book makes no assumptions about prior experience with object-oriented programming languages or with the C language (which Objective-C is based upon). Because of this, both beginners and experienced programmers alike can use this book to quickly and effectively learn the fundamentals of Objective-C. Readers can also learn the concepts of object-oriented programming without having to first learn all of the intricacies of the underlying C programming language.  This unique approach to learning, combined with many small program examples and exercises at the
Read Online Programming in Objectivec Updated for IOS 5 and Automatic Reference Counting Arc Developer Library Stephen G Kochan Books
"This is the best introductory overview book for a language and framework that I have read. I am an old timer starting in this business in the late 60,s with FORTRAN and surviving Algol, C, Assembly Language, PERL, Visual Basic, and C#. The book presents an orderly progression of what you need to know to get started working in the Apple Objective C environment. It emphasizes good programming practices. It stresses object oriented development and hides the nasty procedural crud that still lurks in the C/Unix programming environment. The simple examples build on a common theme that focuses is on program development instead of clever language features. To get the most out of this book, the reader needs a basic understanding of object oriented concepts and some programming experience either on the job or in the classroom. This book will give you the orientation to Objective C that you need to make sense out of the more focused books on application development in the Apple environment."
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Tags : Programming in Objective-c Updated for IOS 5 and Automatic Reference Counting (Arc) (Developer's Library) (9780321811905) Stephen G. Kochan Books,Stephen G. Kochan,Programming in Objective-c Updated for IOS 5 and Automatic Reference Counting (Arc) (Developer's Library),Addison-Wesley Professional,0321811909,Macintosh (Computer);Programming.,Object-oriented programming (Computer science),Objective-C (Computer program language),C (Programming Language),COMPUTERS / Programming / Macintosh,COMPUTERS / Programming / Mobile Devices,COMPUTERS / Programming Languages / C,Computer Books Languages,Computers,Computers - Languages / Programming,Macintosh (Computer),Programming,Programming - Macintosh,Programming - Object Oriented,Programming Languages - C
Programming in Objectivec Updated for IOS 5 and Automatic Reference Counting Arc Developer Library Stephen G Kochan Books Reviews :
Programming in Objectivec Updated for IOS 5 and Automatic Reference Counting Arc Developer Library Stephen G Kochan Books Reviews
- This is the best introductory overview book for a language and framework that I have read. I am an old timer starting in this business in the late 60,s with FORTRAN and surviving Algol, C, Assembly Language, PERL, Visual Basic, and C#. The book presents an orderly progression of what you need to know to get started working in the Apple Objective C environment. It emphasizes good programming practices. It stresses object oriented development and hides the nasty procedural crud that still lurks in the C/Unix programming environment. The simple examples build on a common theme that focuses is on program development instead of clever language features. To get the most out of this book, the reader needs a basic understanding of object oriented concepts and some programming experience either on the job or in the classroom. This book will give you the orientation to Objective C that you need to make sense out of the more focused books on application development in the Apple environment.
- I got the book during the first quarter of this year and just finished it recently, due to school priorities. I'm just a High School senior.
Anyways, I can honestly say that this book is worth every cent for those seeking to gain a good solid grip on the Objective-C programming language. The author does a great job explaining each concept covered in great detail. In addition, the example programs (code) provided throughout the chapters are well explained and well thought out.
I do want to point out that this might not be the best book for absolute beginners. The book breezes through certain topics like variable declarations, which is essential to any programming language.
For absolute beginners who have never written a single line of code, I recommend starting your quest into programming by learning the C programming language first. This book may leave you scratching your head if you do not have at least a basic understanding of general C concepts.
I've been writing code ever since I was 13, and I can honestly say learning the C programming language is a definately must for those absolute beginners wanting to program in many advance languages like C++ and Objective-C. While it isn't required, it will make learning these languages easier because Many C concepts are adopted by these programming languages. - The book spent 4 chapters on C programming. Experienced C/C++ programmers may skip it entirely. It goes by describing building simple illustration with fraction class. I wish it could highlight the points specific to Objective-C instead purely going through by describing how he implements a fraction class which isn't much interesting. Many parts of the content describe trivial step by step how to.
The book does briefly explains important constructs such as Interface, Implementation, Property, Category, Protocol, Protected/Public/Private, nonatomic/atomic, copy, strong, weak, etc. For a book solely written for Objective-C, I would expect to see more discussions on when to and when not to use these constructs. Real samples taken from the Foundation classes would be great.
The book only gets you started. You'll need other material to complement for effective Objective-C programming + a lot of practicing.
I give it 4 stars because it does what is required for beginners. But experienced programmers especially C/C++ programmers should look more than this book alone. The step by step given simply made me dumb as a C/C++ programmer. These step by step should be better off provided in the user manual of Xcode. - There are certain writing styles that really make it hard for me to get through a book. I am afraid this book is one of them. The best one word description I can think of is 'Wordy'.
I have read C Programming Language (2nd Edition) and Objective-C Programming The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (Big Nerd Ranch Guides) and they just come off much cleaner and to the point for me. This may just be my personal taste in writing styles.
The author covers a ton of topics and has a lot of other good reviews so I am thinking it is just me. Below are the chapters titles he includes which give a good idea of what is covered.
1. Introduction
Part I The Objective-C Language
2. Programming in Objective-C
3. Classes, Objects, and Methods
4. Data Types and Expressions
5. Program Looping
6. Making Decisions
7. More on Classes
8. Inheritance
9. Polymorphism, Dynamic Typing, and Dynamic Binding
10. More on Variables and Data Types
11. Categories and Protocols
12. The Preprocessor
13. Underlying C Language Features
Part II The Foundation Framework
14. Introduction to the Foundation Framework
15. Numbers, Strings, and Collections
16. Working with Files
17. Memory Management and Automatic Reference Counting
18. Copying Objects
19. Archiving
Part III Cocoa, Cocoa Touch, and the iOS SDK
20. Introduction to Cocoa and Cocoa Touch
21. Writing iOS Applications
Appendix A. Glossary
Appendix B. Address Book Application Source Code
The main thing I do not like about this book is that the code samples are only made partially available on a forum maintained by the author. The problem is the forum is a confusing mess and not worth the time to go through to try to find them. I can appreciate the authors philosophy that not providing code makes us type it, but I don't always have the time to type it. I usually like to have the code to play with and extend. Not having it was annoying.
My recommendation is to take some time and read through the content here on . They provide quite a bit. If you like the author's writing style, then go for it.